Climate Change

A personal reaction to climate change
Memories and remains

Ashdown Forest is my special place. The place that not only delights and inspires, but also the place I retreat to when in need of peace and tranquillity.

My initial aim was to produce beautiful images but when I looked and considered long enough, I saw another story with hidden depth about a local world that was under threat.

The thought of losing such places inspired me to make this panel of work. The fear that all we may be left with are memories and archaeological remains.

In these images the landscapes of Ashdown forest have become fainter; only the memories can be seen. Whilst the arranged wood resembles the skeletal remains of the animals and birds which once frequented the forest. Different viewers often see different animals within the same image.

The forest will always be a place of sanctuary for me and many others, a place to breathe, reflect and renew.


Architecture Lego