
Hello and welcome to my website. My name is Dette and am based in Sussex. My aim is to take photographs that I want to hang on my wall, make into a book or share with others. I have exhibited twice and would love to do some more.

I have a history of agoraphobia and anxiety which at times limit how I approach projects. But I have learnt to find creative solutions to capture the images I am after.

My photography is varied I very much like landscape, and contemporary photography, but have a particular love of portraiture. I don’t really distinguish between the animals or humans as I like to give as much importance to both. I hope you enjoy and find it interesting looking through this site.

None of this would have been possible without the help of some very special people.

Allie Astell, founder of Manage My Website, who so generously supported and helped me build this website.

Mustardé family (Charly, John, Tabitha and Sacha), Sara Barnes, The Batty family (Jenny, David, Rosie, and Amy), and Animal Auntie Claire, all are the best friends you could ask for, continuingly encouraging, supporting, and holding tight when things are hard and difficult.

Andy Newson, Samantha Newson, and Seamus Ryan, professional photographers who have very different styles and approaches to photography and have taught me so much. They have gone way above and beyond, generously giving me their time, sharing their knowledge, supporting, encouraging and looking out for me.

Andy Newson Photography: andrewnewson.co.uk
Samantha Newson Photography: www.samanthanewson.com
Seamus Ryan Photography: www.seamusryan.com


I would like to dedicate these photos to my identical twin Lorraine, she sadly died aged 3 yrs.