
Luna, Winnie, Minnie, Widgy, Rosy. I invited their owners to write a sentence on their behalf. Here is what they wrote:

LUNA. Black and white spaniel cross breed rescue.
“Luna is a dog with two sides. A quiet shy and unassuming dog indoors but a fast, adventurous and bold dog outdoors. She is coming up to seven years old and has woven herself into all our hearts”. When I read this, it really made me smile. Luna is mostly a black and white dog, but her markings are not equally divided, one side is predominately white whilst the other black, making her appear as two different dogs, certainly a dog with two sides in more than one way.”

WINNIE. A delightful border terrier typical of the breed.
”Extremely friendly, obedient when SHE decides she will be and a wonderful companion and I wouldn’t be without her.”

MINNIE; Cocker Spaniel.
”Minnie was a very special dog to me. I was there when she was born and I was there when she died. There isn’t really much that can prepare for the love you feel for a dog that you’ve been with all their life. She gave me 16 years of joy, and saw me turn from a child into an adult. She always knew when I needed a hug- that’s the thing I will remember most. Her ability to know my feelings before I did.”

WIDGET. Black, grey, white curly coated Greek cross breed rescue.
AKA “Small Joyfull Floof ”. Beloved by everyone who meets her, she has a terminally cheerful personality”.




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